• info@howardcountymuseum.org

  • 1200 West Sycamore, Kokomo,
    Indiana 46901

  • (765) 452-4314

Donate Now

Donate Now

Losing the past would be catastrophic. We’d face the future with nothing to guide us: no experience, no ability to predict or understand, no social values or cultural standards.


The Howard County Historical Society needs your help. As the custodian of our county history, the society works to preserve the stories and lessons that inform our daily lives, along with the priceless artifacts that represent those stories. The cost of maintaining the collections (and the Seiberling Mansion) is far less than the cost of losing them.


Please support our mission with a financial gift. We need your assistance for preservation and exhibition materials, climate control to protect the artifacts, maintaining the archives as a community resource, mansion maintenance, and more.


With your help, we can continue to preserve our county history for generations to come, provide invaluable education resources for students of all ages, and make sure the Seiberling Mansion remains one of the region’s major tourist attractions and a centerpiece of community pride.